Our Praise is a Weapon [BTTB 32]
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Can you praise God when looking at your enemies?
David said in Psalm 149:6 that the praise of God in our mouths is a double-edged sword in our hands. This is emphasized in 2 Chronicles 20:20-30. Let’s take a peek at the beautiful truths here.
Believe in the Lord your God
Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be able to stand firm. ~2 Chron 20:20, NLT
What a foundation to stand on! But you know what this tells me? When I’m shaky, my belief needs to be stronger. How does that happen?
Personally, I read the Bible. I also remember the things God has done for me and thank Him. Recounting His faithfulness in the past, and reminding myself that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever shores up my wavering faith.
This goes along with Revelation 12:11, which tells us the enemy is overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.
Sing and Give Praise
Can you believe that the very moment they began to sing and give praise their enemies became confused and turned on one another? THE VERY MOMENT.
Not a coincidence at all. Not even a little bit.
They didn’t even have to go and fight the enemy. They simply had to worship God and let Him do the rest. What a way to rest in Him.
Gather in the Valley of Blessing
When they got to the battlefield, they saw bodies laying everywhere and the battle had already been fought. They declared that valley to be one of blessing.
As Christians, we often refer to “mountaintop experiences” and “valley seasons.” The highs are high and the lows are low. But here? It was the valley that was a place of blessing.
Here, while they were praising God, God was winning their battles.
Enjoy Rest on Every Side
When all the surrounding kingdoms heard that the Lord himself had fought against the enemies of Israel, the fear of God came over them. So Jehoshaphat’s kindgom was at peace, for his God had given him rest on every side. ~2 Chron 20:29-30, NLT
What an awesome gift. May our God fight our enemies for us and may we be at peace, surrounded by rest. Amen.