You've got responsibilities. You're awake late at night and up early in the morning just trying to meet them all and not drop any balls.
You don't have time to hole up in some prayer closet/war room the way "they" say you should. But you long for a deeper relationship with Jesus and you want, desperately, to pray and have God hear you.
How can you make it happen?
It's just not possible, you think. There's no way.
But what if I told you there was?
Men and women of faith throughout the ages have had two things in common:
- They read the Bible consistently and believed that what it says is true.
- They prayed according to what they read in the Bible, and they believed without doubt that God would do what He said He would do.
Dear one, there is no reason at all that you can't develop the same kind of faith that they had and have a walk just as sweetly in tune with Jesus.
If you just follow their example of being devoted to the Word and prayer, you will see beautiful answers to your petitions and a deeper walk with Jesus!
And it doesn't have to be a big, elaborate deal. It can happen realistically in the life you are living right now.
Maybe It's More Simple Than We Realize
Have you ever read about George Muller?
Mr. Muller was someone everyone can truly relate to; he started out as a selfish, rebellious teen and changed into a man who loved God and people. He was intensely human, but had a special faith that was intentionally cultivated.
George Muller saw hungry orphans in the street and knew he couldn't just walk by, but he also knew he didn't have the means to make a difference because he was rather poor himself.
That was when young George learned to devote himself to prayer, and trust God to do exactly what He promised He'd do in Scripture: answer prayers and provide.
Throughout his life, George Muller gave home to over 10,000 orphans and had the equivalent of nearly two hundred million dollars pass through his hands into various ministries.
He never asked a single person for help, but rather made his needs and requests known only to God and trusted that the Lord would hear Him and care for His children.
His prayers literally saved and changed lives. And this prayer challenge is going to help you develop that same rich prayer life.
Leave 'Room on the Right'
George Muller was faithful to read His Bible every single morning. And throughout each day he would record the needs he saw in his journal, always on the lefthand side.
Mr. Muller intentionally left the right sides of his journals blank, knowing he would need that space to record the date and manner in which God answered the prayers he brought to Him.
Doesn't that just make your heart leapt with excitement?
God loves to answer the prayers of His children!
He delights in meeting your needs and doing good things in your life. How beautiful it must have been for George Muller to open his journals, one after the other, and see the room on the right filled with records of God's faithfulness.
Are You Ready to Journal God's Faithfulness To You?
Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. ~Jeremiah 29:12
Wouldn't you love to have the faith of George Muller? To know that when you write down a prayer request, you're going to need space to also write down an answer to that prayer?
You're probably wondering how on earth to get to that place. How does one cultivate that kind of faith, and develop that kind of prayer life?
Join me on a 5-day Prayer Challenge entitled "LeavingRoom on the Right" and lay a foundation to have that kind of walk with God for yourself.
Sign up for the e-mail challenge and every day for five days you'll receive Scripture verses on prayer, a short thought, and an encouragement to help you develop this walk.
What You Can Expect From This Challenge:
- To find grace and truth that will make you long to pray more than you do now
- Encouragement and hope with gentle prompts for prayer to help you develop this new discipline
- To see our faithful God answer your requests in His time
- To know Him better, love Him more deeply, and have a richer communion with Him than ever before
- To receive one e-mail a day, for five days, guiding you through this journey
All you have to do is click on the button to get started! Once you do so, be sure to find the e-mail from me ([email protected]) and follow the instructions. You'll also receive a link to download a journal template to use if you don't already have a notebook.
I'm so excited to share this journey with you; this is what the Graceful Abandon community is all about.