What the Bible says about Blessed Is the Man
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What is God really telling us in the Bible when it says “blessed is the man”? A look at 7 habits of blessed people and behaviors noticeably absent in the lives of those not blessed.
What does “Blessed Is The Man” Mean?
When you read Psalm 1 and other passages of Scripture (such as the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew), you’ll see the phrase “Blessed is the man who…”
What does that look like? What does it mean to be blessed?
Blessed is the man
Psalm 1:1-2, ESV
who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
but his delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
What does it mean to be blessed? What does the life of the one who is blessed look like according to these verses?
According to Psalm 1, the blessed person engages in 7 behaviors that are timeless and wise for every Christian.
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Blessed people don’t take counsel from wicked people.
Hmm. What would that look like today? Most simply, do you take counsel from those who do not bear godly fruit?
Sometimes I do. “Well, I’m not asking advice about the Bible, but about practical matters and they are good at those.” Well…to a point.
But if they are living in rebellion to God’s Word or have never submitted to it before, why am I seeking their counsel? Why am I not praying for God to send godly wisdom my way?
After all, blessed is the man who doesn’t take his direction from those who don’t honor God.
Blessed people don’t stand in the way of sinners.
The blessed man isn’t always hanging out with sinners; he’s surrounding himself with those who love God and those who spur him on in his walk with God.
That’s not to say the blessed man avoids those who are lost and dying; no, we know from Jesus that we need to go into the world and preach and make disciples. However, we also know we aren’t to be unequally yoked.
We need to guard our hearts and use wisdom in our relationships. Just as Jesus chose His inner circle well, we need to do the same.
Those who hang out with sinners all the time miss out on blessings that come from fellowshipping with believers. Christian community is important and should never be neglected.
Blessed is the man who isn’t always in the path of those who love what God hates. They love those people, but they do not share in their passions.
Blessed people don’t sit in the seat of scoffers.
It’s kind of easy these days to mock the ridiculousness around us. At least for me, it is.
But according to the psalmist, if I want God’s blessings then I need to not mock/scoff.
The upright person who follows God’s leading doesn’t mock political leaders but accepts that God’s sovereignty has allowed them to take office.
The blessed man prays…desperately…for the depravity around him, but sees it through eyes that grieve it instead of standing above it.
Lisa Yvonne, Graceful Abandon
Lord, help my heart be blessed and not scoffing.
Blessed people delight in God’s law.
Psalm 119 is basically a love letter to the Word of God. We read over and over in Scripture that godly men and women delight in it and obey it.
In Deuteronomy 6 we read God’s plan for the nation of Israel to surround themselves with His Word and to teach it to their children. The Bible is important to every believer, and God’s blessings often come through God’s Word.
Taking delight in His Word means letting it bring you joy, looking forward to reading it, and soaking yourself in it. It means hearing it and letting it change you.
The blessed man is one who abides and cherishes the Bible.
Read More: Reading The Bible Changes Your Life
Blessed people meditate on the Word of God all the time.
Meditation takes it beyond just reading it. Meditating on the Word of God means contemplating it, memorizing it, focusing on it.
Can you think back to your first crush, when you were a young teen? Did you day dream about a boy…or horseback riding…or some far off land you wanted to visit? Did you often find those dreams eclipsing everything else?
That’s what our delight and desire for the Word of God should be like.
How amazing it is when I’m in a situation and I get overwhelmed and a promise from Scripture shouts more loudly in my heart and mind than the fear or frustration I had started to feel!
Read More: 7 Ways To Have Quiet Time As A Mom When Your Life Is Busy
Blessed people bear fruit.
According to Psalm 1:3, the people who do all of these things and are blessed bear fruit and have leaves that don’t wither.
They are planted by streams of water. Jesus is the Living Water and we are to be established in Him. When we are, we bear fruit.
According to Paul in Galatians, that fruit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
When we bless others, we are also blessed.
Blessed people prosper.
God’s kingdom riches are not the same as the riches of this world. We might not have an excess of money (or we might, that’s up to God), but we will be storing up riches in heaven.
Blessings manifest in the lives of those who obey God. That is the order God established.
Read More: Blessings That Follow Obedience
Be a woman of blessing!
Choose today, my sweet friend, to take wisdom from people who are wise in the way of the Lord and not of this world. Listen to voices that propel into His grace and truth instead of into works or worldly priniciples.
Chase after the things of God with desperate longing and reckless abandon.
Related: Obeying God – How To Live A Life Of Reckless Abandon
View this world through the eyes of love and guard your heart from scoffing and mocking and ridicule. Don’t speak words that God wouldn’t want you to, even if they are truth.
Cultivate the Word of Truth in your life and heart by prioritizing time in the Word and praying for a deep love of the Bible.
What does it mean to be blessed today?
Today, in modern times, what does it mean to be blessed? If someone looked at your life, would they see God’s blessing on it? Are you exhibiting these 7 behaviors Scripture identifies as leading to blessing?
I believe it means that when we do the things we just talked about, we live fruitful lives. We let the fruit of those choices come to life in every part of our lives.
Let that fruit manifest itself in your marriage as you love your husband well by giving Him godly counsel, speaking respectfully (and not scoffing) about him, and praying the Word over every area of his life.
Let that fruit manifest in your motherhood as you treasure your children and cultivate a passion for the Word in their hearts, speak tenderly to them even when they frustrate you, and go to only godly sources for parenting wisdom.
Let that fruit manifest itself in your friendships, as you pray for women of faith to be your closest friends and you choose carefully the influences you allow to mold your heart and mind.