Your God Hears You (BTTB 54)
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Before they call I will answer;
while they are yet speaking I will hear.
~Isaiah 65:24, ESV
Your God answers you before you have even called out to Him. While you are praying to Him, He hears you. The silent cries of your heart? He hears those, too.
What a beautiful, loving God!
God is your Father
If you’re a mom, you have an inkling of what this is like. Your little toddler is reaching for something on the counter, stretched up on her little tiptoes so you reach for it and hand it to her.
Or your baby is fussing in his crib, unable to find the words to call your name and run in and scoop him up, holding him close to your heart and murmuring comfort to soothe him.
Perhaps your teenager is acting angry and sullen, slamming doors and pulling away. She won’t open up to you, but you see her actions for what they are: a cry for love and understanding. You pray for her and love her because you hear what her heart is saying, even if the words haven’t formed yet.
God loves you this much…and more.
Related: When You Are In A Long Dark Night Of The Soul
God is your Husband
Now think about marriage. Do you remember when you first fell in love with your husband?
If you’re anything like I was, you’d call him whenever you had a chance. You wouldn’t wait to see if he’d call first; you loved him and you knew he loved you and you’d just call.
Now think about a time you were totally engrossed in a project and your beloved came in obviously distressed. Didn’t you drop everything to hold him, comfort him, listen to him?
God loves you this much…and more.
Before you call
Before you call, He answers.
That’s how precious you are to Him. God is watching over you, everywhere. He is listening to you, always. His heart is for you, all the time.
Related: When Your Prayer Life Leaves You Wanting More
While you are still speaking
While you are still speaking, He hears.
You don’t need to complete a thought or compose a carefully worded petition.
You simply need to talk to God.
He hears you and He attends to your prayers. He listens and He acts. He is your Father, but also your Husband. His heart is ever for you!
Pray to Him!
Prayer is just that simple. It’s communicating with God. But if that seems hard or distant to you, ask Him to teach you more about it.
Here are some other posts about prayer that might bless you:
And you really want to learn more about prayer, consider joining this free 5-day prayer challenge. The responses of those who have participated are awesome!
- “I never knew how easy it was to pray and connect with God.”
- “Seeing my prayers this way…wow! It’s so amazing!”
- “I’ve never felt this close to God before.”
- “Thank you so much; I can see the difference in my marriage and my parenting thanks to this focused prayer time.”
Check it out: