When You Are In A Desert Season: The Blessings of God Overwhelm
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When most people think of the desert, the thoughts that come to mind are sand, heat, sun, cacti, and barren space. When you think of the expression “desert season,” you usually mean a time when you feel spiritually dry, exhausted, and burnt out.
That’s what makes the prophecies for Israel in the book of Isaiah so incredibly beautiful.
In Isaiah 35 there are some awesome promises! Let’s look at them and be encourage in the desert season.
The Desert Will Bloom
What does it mean to bloom? According to dictionary.com, it means to produce flowers, come into full beauty, flourish, and to be radiant.
Not exactly the mental image you get when you think of the desert, is it?
And not exactly how you describe yourself when you are in a desert season, either.
But that’s the beauty of our God. He makes us bloom in the desert! What if this desert season you are in is the one in which you will become fully beautiful, truly flourishing and radiant?
The promises of God for Israel in Isaiah 35 are that the desert will bloom and when that happens, so will the following. This refers to the Messiah’s coming and restoring Israel. Now that Jesus is already here, though, we know that these truths are timely. Do you need them today? I do.
Related: Waiting in the Wilderness for God to Keep His Word
The Weak Will Be Strong
Are you weak? He will give you His strength.
Isaiah 40:31 says it is yours when you wait on Him. Verse 29 of the same chapter says the weary one is strengthened. Feeling weary? Have hope!
Ephesians 6:10 tells you to be strong in God and His mighty power; you don’t have to be strong in yourself.
The Anxious Will be Calmed
There are 365 verses in the Bible that tell us not to fear. Literally, one for every day of the year.
Don’t be anxious, my sweet friend. God is your defender, your provider, your joy, your beloved, your friend, your salvation. He will make you bloom in this desert season.
Related: 7 Things To Remember When the Odds Are Stacked Against You
The Blind Will See
Having trouble seeing things clearly?
The same God who gave sight to blind eyes on earth can also open your spiritual eyes. You will be able to see more of what He is doing, and the God who fights for you will show Himself strong.
Related: What You See Is Not What You Get
The Deaf Will Hear
Sometimes I wish I were deaf.
Maybe then I wouldn’t hear all the doubts whirling around in my head about my ability to be a good wife or mom, the negative things people say about me, or the lies Satan blatantly tells me that still tempt me.
Can you relate?
And yet at the same time, sometimes I feel deaf.
Because I miss the song that God sings over me, the delight He takes in me, and the love He has for me. I don’t hear His truth over the noise of my own life.
And yet, in the desert when I bloom, I will hear this clearly!
The Lame Will Leap
Oh, sweet friend, how beautiful is this promise to me!
When we adopted our fourth son, we were told he would likely never walk. He does. And every time I watch him get around our home to play with his siblings, my heart shouts HOSANNAH to the One who makes the lame leap!
Related: Made In The Image of God
The Mute Will Sing
Have you ever felt as though you have no song to sing?
In the desert, when the God who makes things bloom moves in your life, you will have a song.
Your song will be one of joy, thanksgiving, delight, and wholeness. Are you ready? Run to Him today!
You Will Drown In The Blessings of the Desert
My prayer for you today is that you will drown in the blessings of the desert seasons.
The Burning Sand Will Become a Pool
The situations that made it hard to stand still, anchored in Christ, will become a refreshing pool that bathes your tired feet.
The fires that threatened to leave you scarred will be extinguished by the floods of His grace.
Related: When You Are Weary & God Leads You To Still Waters
The Dry Ground Will Bubble With Spring Water
And the Lord who spoke the earth into being will bubble up springs of water from scorched ground! He creates something out of nothing.
Even if you have nothing left inside, even if you are that barren, the Living Water can refresh your soul.
May The Blessings of God Overwhelm You