Waiting in the Wilderness for God to Keep His Word
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Today is Day 2 of the Read the Bible in 90 Days challenge and it was SO FULL OF GOOD THINGS! It’s really hard to just pick one or two to talk about with you.
Sarah Was a Strong-Willed Wife
I have a lot in common with Sarah, and that can have far-reaching consequences. In her haste to rush the fulfillment of what God had promised, she devised a less-than-ideal solution and gave Hagar to Abraham to produce an heir.
I may not ever be willing to toss another woman at my husband, but I have certainly been guilty of wanting to “help” God so that I can get what I’m waiting for sooner.
I also know what it’s like to have a promise from God in my heart and not see it grow to fulfillment in a timely manner. I am trusting God that 2018 will be the year that a dream I’ve been dreaming for nearly 20 years will be fulfilled. Are you still waiting, sweet friend?
Sarah was 90 when she had her son. She had likely despaired of God keeping His word to her. But God always keeps His promises.
When her hands caressed her newborn’s head, they were wrinkled, sun-weathered, and possibly sore with age. They had wrung themselves wrinkled with worry and work over the years. This once eye-catching beauty that stole the hearts of kings was now regal with gray.
And barren for decades longer than she ought to have been.
Do you know how that feels? To wither under the weight of unrealized hopes and dreams? I do. It hurts and it is hard. I’m sure when Abraham was with Hagar that Sarah felt cold and alone, and shed a tear or two.
Because that’s what happens when we step out of God’s perfect will for our lives and try to control our own destinies. We lay there without the comfort of His promised provision in the waiting. When we forget that God is the Promise Keeper, we rob ourselves of the hope, joy, and peace that come from resting in Him.
Wandering in the Wilderness
The other woman that plays a key part in this saga is Hagar. Giving birth to Abraham’s firstborn and yet being cast out into the wilderness literally almost killed her. They were out in the hot sun, the arid heat, and saw no food or water when she made her son comfortable enough to die.
I can’t even fathom the depth of her cries.
And then God opened her eyes and showed her a well. And He Himself promised to make a nation come from Ishmael that would be great, very similar to what Isaac was promised (although not quite the same, because Isaac would father God’s chosen people).
Hagar could only see her despair; she didn’t even see the well of water that was right there. God Himself had to open her eyes. How many times have you and I missed seeing the presence of Living Water in our lives because we were overcome by the sight of our problems?
Can you imagine the balm that was to Hagar’s weary, rejected, wounded soul when she saw the well? To be seen by God, to know He had not turned from her as the father of her child had. To be given cool water in a weary wilderness. To have God open her eyes so she could see clearly beyond the situation to the provision.
Sweet sister, that is my prayer for my life and for yours.
And some videos…
More from The Bible Project: Genesis 12-50
As a strong-willed wife, I can totally relate to Sarah. She took matters into her own hands. But I’ve also felt like Hagar…
If you want to join us for the rest of the series, here you go!