
How to Read the Entire Bible Cover to Cover in Only 90 Days

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Have you ever wished you could read the entire Bible through, cover to cover? Perhaps you’ve set out to do that a time or twenty and just fizzled out part way through. I know I’ve done that a time or two.

But one time I joined a challenge to read through the Bible in 90 days and it was awesome. There were so many benefits to it!

One question I’ve been asked over and over was how I fit it in to my day, parenting all my kids and homeschooling and blogging and being a wife. It took intentional focus, but it was totally doable. Here’s what you need to know to read the Bible cover to cover.

read the Bible cover to cover with these 6 tips and photos of women reading Bible by Graceful Abandon


6 ways to Make Time To Read the Bible Daily

1. Break it up into smaller chunks of 10-15 minutes of reading at a time.

I like to bring my Bible with me throughout the house. I’ve been known to read while nursing the baby, stirring the soup while making dinner, and sneaking moments in between homeschooling lessons.

I think it’s GREAT for the kids to see us so dedicated to the Word, and it’s also a pretty awesome habit to cultivate in and of itself just for me (and you!).

2. Set a reminder on your phone.

This actually works very well for me. I get up 15 minutes earlier when I’m doing a challenge like this. My phone beeps to remind me to read about 10 minutes after I’ve gotten out of bed. It beeps again around lunch and again at nap-time. Whatever I haven’t finished will be done before bed (and yes, I have a timer set for then, too!).


No matter what. And if life gets in the way, consider staying up a few minutes later that night and reading as much as you can. Personally, just in case I get behind, I intentionally schedule time on Sunday afternoon to catch up (that’s my “down day”, but you can pick whatever day of the week is best for you).

Set a determined intention in your heart that by a certain day each week you WILL be caught up, no matter what. While the ideal is not to fall behind at all, it’s always good to have a plan in place in case you do! Plus, the plan works in two grace days at the end.

4. Read EVERY word.

…but realize you won’t be able to sit and marinate over one specific verse for great lengths of time.

There are times in my life when I’ve been “stuck” in a particular passage for MONTHS on end. Literally, months spent mining the Truths from it, studying related passages, cross-referencing verses, looking up words in Greek or Hebrew.

Yeah, this is NOT that season. And that’s okay. There’s a time for that, and it’s a beautiful sweet time. But this? This is about something different. This is about diving head-first into the Bible and reading it quickly enough that you start to see connections you may have missed the rest of your life!

However, I do like to keep a journal or notebook handy and jot down verses I want to remember and return to once the challenge is over. Often, this will guide what I study in the next quarter.

5. Listen along while you read.

This is a little trick I use with our homeschooling. My kids often retain more when they hear AND read at the same time, so I often buy our textbooks as audios in addition to physical copies. Check out this free online streaming of Audio Bibles in several versions (NLT, ESV, KJV, and WET).

6. Pray for the grace to do it.

Don’t forget to ask God (daily!) for the strength, will-power, and ability to do this. Apart from Him, I can’t do anything well; I’m one hot mess most of the time when I try do life in my own strength instead of His.

I wake up asking Him to help me put this over Netflix, the book I’m reading, the downtime I often crave after a hectic day, or any other distractions I’m prone to prioritize. And I plan to fall asleep thanking Him for answering those prayers.

CLICK HERE To Sign Up For the Challenge

How to Get the Most Out of Reading the Bible in 90 Days

What If I Want to Get Even MORE From the Challenge?

I’m so glad you asked! If you’re like me, you want to get the absolute most you can. This entire challenge is free: the reading plan, printable bookmark, weekly e-mails with details and support, and even a Facebook accountability group.

But…if you want more…I’ve created a 90-day guided Devotional Journal just for you! This is a PDF file that will get sent to you via e-mail and you can print it out and use it during this time. There is a full-size copy of the bookmark and one page per day of the challenge…plus several bonus pages for added study, gorgeous printable verse and prayer cards, and more.

how to read the Bible in 90 days notebook

Each page includes:

  • Daily reading
  • Daily reading broken into 3 chunks of Scripture, for ease of reading throughout the day
  • Place to write out Scripture that stands out to you or you want to remember
  • Journaling space for gratitude and answered prayers
  • …and more!

This is a $17 value, but it’s ONLY $9 when you sign up for the challenge! Or you can grab the family pack with a men’s journal and children’s journal in addition to the gorgeous women’s one.

Due to the digital nature of the product, no refunds will be issued. This is a digital product that will be delivered to your e-mail box. Upon payment you, will receive an e-mail with your file to download and print. Please check your spam, promotion, and social tabs if you do not see it arrive in your inbox.

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