What You See Is Not What You Get (BTTB 26)
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Ever heard the expression that “what you see is what you get”? That’s not always the case.
In 2 Kings 6, we are shown just how true this is. Elisha’s servant looked around them and saw the military force they were up against and declared the situation to be dire. They were grossly outnumbered and their armory was inferior.
Elisha, however, had a different opinion. He actually told his servant not to be afraid because “there are more on our side than theirs!” (2 Kings 6:16)
The prophet prayed for the young man’s eyes to be opened and suddenly he saw horses and chariots of fire all around them. The heavenly armies were vast!
What a precious reminder that with God we are not outnumbered.
If you are feeling small today, outnumbered by the world, ask God to open your eyes. Ask Him to lead you to the center of His will and keep you securely there while His heavenly hosts camp about you.