6 Ways to Overcome When Life Falls Apart
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Sometimes life knocks us down. Sometimes it is even worse than that; we deal with a storm that lays waste to everything in our lives and we are left standing on rubble. We wonder if it’s even possible to defeat the enemy of your soul.
The only thing left to do is give up…or rebuild. I spent the last few years of my life standing in the middle of rubble, looking around and asking God what to do. I’ve felt overwhelmed, hurt, confused, angry, and frustrated.
I’ve had dreams, but wondered how on earth to go about building anything out of the mess my life had become.
Because the enemy of my soul was speaking to my heart and people were speaking to my mind and I was confused.
And that is exactly what was going on with Nehemiah and those with him who were trying to rebuild the wall around the temple.
The enemy didn’t want them to rebuild.
Their enemy would much rather they stood in the middle of their messy lives, the damage caused by the past, and remained wholly confused and totally ineffective.
That’s what smart enemies do; they try to cause doubts in our minds that render the work of our hands useless. They don’t even have to attack physically.
But what does God do?
He reveals the strategy of your enemy and tells you exactly how to defeat the enemy of your soul.
God has a purpose for your life. He has called you to abundant life and effective ministry. So you must learn to fight back and rebuild…and to defeat the enemy of your soul.
Do you know how to defeat the enemy of your soul?
In Nehemiah chapter 4, we see the prophet and the people with him standing firm against their enemies. The author notes 6 specific steps they took to defeat the enemy that surrounded them. Let’s take a peek.
1. Work With Enthusiasm
First of all, we learn that working with enthusiasm is one way to fight against the enemy of your soul. Nehemiah 4:6 says that the people had worked with enthusiasm, even though they were in a hostile environment. That’s hard.
Being enthusiastic in a place where others are throwing confusion and negativity at me is really challenging. But it IS possible. How? By focusing on God and not on the enemy.
Related: 3 Ways to Live a Stand-Out Faith
2. Pray To Your God
Nehemiah 4:9 says that the enemy had intentionally planned to throw them into confusion, but they prayed to their God. Praying to your God is another way to fight against the enemy of your soul.
While they prayed, the guarded the city night and day to protect themselves. We need to be vigilant in this life, night and day, and remain in prayer.
Related: Your Praise Is A Weapon
3. Protect Yourself from Ungodly Confusion
Set your mind and heart on Jesus. Look to Him and not at your enemy. Protect yourself with the armor of God (Ephesians 6). Be diligent to memorize Scripture and know what is TRUE.
You can defeat the enemy of your soul by not allowing him to confuse you and instead having faith in the Lord. An unshakeable faith isn’t one that is perfect, but rather one that is placed on the Unshakeable God.
Related: How To Hear When God Whispers
4. Don’t Be Afraid of the Enemy
Nehemiah 4:14 says not to fear the enemy. We know he is a defeated foe already, and we just need to stand firm and trust God.
It can be so hard, though. Oh so hard. But know that if God is for you, no one can be against you and prevail! You just have to trust that God keeps His promises.
5. Fight For Your Family
Also in verse 14 it shares that they were to “Remember the Lord who is great and glorious” and fight for their families. In this day and age especially, we are fighting for our children and our families in general.
We live in a generation of moralambiguityy with gender fluid focus, marriages that are no longer viewed as lifetime commitments, and where children are allowed to fight against authority for their ‘rights.’
The battle is not always one we can see, but it is raging.
6. Stay Armed At All Times
Lastly we see that they stayed continually armed. We cannot cease to be diligent in prayer, in the Word, and in being alert! You will defeat the enemy of your soul when you do these things.