
Are You Confident in God? (or just kind of “meh”)

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When is the last time you prayed for something with confidence? When’s the last time you didn’t even bother to pray for something because “that’s just life” or “if God wanted to do xxx, He would have”? Are you confident in God?

“As for me, I look to the Lord for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me.” ~Micah 7:7, NLT

Don’t you just love this? Let’s look at what’s going on here.

For more encouragement, check out 7 Things To Remember When the Odds are Stacked Against You

confident in God or more "meh"? What does it mean to trust in God and be confident in Him?

Confident in God for HELP

Are you confident in God when you need help?

Sometimes help is simple: you can help yourself or ask someone nearby. But what about prayer?

Do you pray? Do you read through the Word to see what wisdom God has already shared that can help you?

Sometimes it’s easy to forget that our God is an “all the time” God. He wants to be there with us in the good seasons and the hard ones, and He will always deliver us. When you need to, don’t be afraid to ask Him for help.

Related: When You Need Help, Remember THIS

Confident in God for SALVATION

There is no other name by which you can be saved than the name of Jesus. You can’t earn your salvation; it’s a gift from God given through His grace.

Are you receiving that gift?

Or still getting exhausted trying to earn it? My friend, you can totally please God but you can’t earn His love.  You can read this about 5 Ways To Make God Happy if you want to explore this area.

Related: The Joy of Salvation

Confident in God to HEAR

How frustrating is it to talk to someone who is staring at their cell phone? Or constantly looking away, distracted by a squirrel outside or someone else’s conversation?


And it also depletes your sense of value, doesn’t it?

When you talk to God, you have not only His attention but His heart. You can be confident in God to hear you when you call! How precious that promise is!

Related: Your God Hears You

Don’t Ever Doubt

Sometimes we lack confidence in God because we lack confidence in ourselves or other people.

But God isn’t “people.” He is the Almighty Father and He calls you by name.

The cry of His heart is a relationship with you. (check out the sweetest promise in all of Scripture)

Related: The High Cost of Doubting God

Related: 4 Keys To Building Confidence in God

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