Fun Date Night Ideas For Married Couples On A Budget
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Have you been looking for some fun date night ideas you can enjoy on a budget with your husband?
Dating when you’re young and carefree is a lot of fun. But when you have to remember that you’re an adult and you have a budget, it can be a little more challenging…but not impossible!
You just need to be creative to find budget friendly date night ideas for married couples.
Frugal Date Nights Can Still Be Fun!
Hubby and I have 8 kiddos and live frugally, but we still make it a priority to have date nights at home when we can’t go out on the town.
When we were young and crazy, we had the misconception that a date had to be elaborate and special to be fun.
We didn’t yet understand that it was the time together than made it special and the attention that we gave one another that made it memorable.
But as our family grew and our income didn’t, we had to learn to have fun on a budget. Spoiler alert: Romantic and cheap are not exclusive terms…you can totally have a cheap, romantic date night together!
At first it was hard; we fell into the trap of repeated Netflix and chill nights, staring at the television together instead of into each other’s eyes. Silly us.
Maybe your marriage has had that same experience…and that’s why you’re here.
You’re ready to find some fun and frugal date nights to share with your husband. Good for you!
Related: 6 Bedroom Date Night Ideas For Husbands & Wives
Fun Date Night Ideas For Married Couple On A Budget
While we still enjoy watching a favorite TV series together or a classic movie, we also enjoy doing things that strengthen our relationship. And I want to encourage you and your husband to do the same.
Friend, let’s be honest: if you don’t nurture your marriage, who will?
Pray together and play together…have sweet moments together, but don’t forget to have spicy ones, too.
Related: 6 Must-Have Ingredients For A Healthy Marriage
Even if you’re on a tight budget, the two of you need to go out on a date and have some fun.
So with out further ado, here are our 7 favorite fun date night ideas for married couples on a budget:
1. Popcorn And Parcheesi
I will never forget the night that hubby broke out the Parcheesi board for the first time. I’d never even played it before! But he taught me and now it’s one of my favorite!
Do you have a favorite board game? A favorite snack?
Put away the kid’s toys, clean up the room and take a shower so you feel more attractive, and then break out a boardgames and a snack.
Laugh and have fun, enjoy some healthy competition, and maybe make a friendly wager about who will win (and go ahead…make up some fun prizes — wink, wink).
2. Carry-Out And Cards
This is hubby’s favorite at home date night idea. We love to order Chinese from our favorite locally owned shop and pull out the cards. Our personal favorites are Skip Bo and Phase 10, but we play them all.
Other ideas are Rummy, Scat, Poker (strip poker, perhaps?), and Ratuki. What do you like?
And if you’ve never really gotten into cards, there’s no time like the present! Cards are great because you can play them at home, or take a deck in your pocket to play at the park, a local coffee shop, or anywhere else you want to go.
Want a slightly more spicy game to play? Check out this *free* Truth and Dare For Couples (married couples!) game.
3. Try A Local Coffee Shop Or Restaurant
You don’t always have to go out and get a steak dinner. Try going out and trying a new coffee drink or simply sharing a dessert.
Sometimes it’s still nice to get dressed up and go out, even if money is on the tight side.
So find a cute cafe or hole in the wall (don’t they always have the best food, anyhow?!) and share a small plate. Be sure to have one heck of a goodnight kiss on the front porch to end your evening!
4. Go For A Walk…Or A Hike
One of my favorite dates of all times was the night we put on our hiking boots and went for a sunset hike together. It was only about a mile and we got sweaty and dirty, but it was so much fun!
Put on your hiking shoes (or at least your walking ones) and get outside. Catch a sunset, hold hands and stroll, or go for a good hike.
God created a beautiful world for the two of you to enjoy together. Some of the most fun dates for couple on a budget will be outdoors ones!
5. Sit By A Campfire
Don’t have a fireplace? Too hot to use it if you do? That’s okay, use a fire pit. And if you don’t have one of those, build one on the cheap. Firepits make for great at home date nights.
It’s so much fun to sit together near an open fire, listen to the crackling flames, and share memories and stories. Hubby is reminding me to tell you to be sure to have marshmallows on hand!
Invite another couple over for a double date night if you want!
(Psst…this is also a great full family activity, so you’ll get a lot of mileage out of your DIY fire pit if you choose to make one!)
6. Picnic At The Park
Or the lake. Or the beach. Or your backyard. Be flexible.
But grab a nice sheet, some snacks, some candles, and have a picnic.
Consider putting some jazz or your favorite song on your phone and dance together. Nothing says romance like dancing!
7. Go To Bed
Dare I say it? One of the most fun and budget friendly dates there is for married couples is going to bed together.
Lay there, talk, relax…and then enjoy one another.
It’s what God intended!
Related: 34 At Home Date Night Ideas
Married Couples Need To Go On Date Nights
Listen, friend, it might seem trivial when your mortgage is late, the baby has colic, the house is a mess, and you haven’t shaved your legs in 17 days…but date nights for married couples are critical.
That’s right, critical.
Date nights are going to help carry you through those tough times, because you’ll take a moment out of the stress to just remember why you love one another.
And they will make the good times sweeter.
And laugh. Laughter is good like a medicine (the Bible says so!).
When you got married, it was for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer. And just because now might be “poorer”, don’t stop dating!
Just grab one of these 7 date night ideas for married couples on a budget and have some fun.
Do you have any other ideas to add to this list? Drop them in the comments below!
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Don’t forget to snag this free printable date night kit, too!
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